Photo session early this year for an advert. for Dance For Life! with the theme
'Phantom of the Opera'.
(Seance-photo pour la pub d'une Ecole de danse avec comme theme: 'Le fantome de l'Opera')

... everyone had a bit of fun too at the end!! :)

... Too many photos to show, but this one (below) was the pick for the advert. and of my favourite in terms of lighting, lift/pose/posture ect...(just to show that it helped to have a passion for dancing and have done some ballet in my...young time hehehe!!:)
What do you think ?
What do you think ?
(Trop de photos a montrer mais celle de dessous a ete' la photo officielle pour leur pub., mais aussi ma prefere'e pour l'eclairage, la pose ect...comme quoi... ca aide d'avoir fait un peu de danse classique dans ma jeunesse ...(lointaine :)
Qu'en pensez-vous ?